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Your life could depend on it !
Motorcycle Deaths and the need for Awareness

     Madisonville sits between two of the most loved motorcycle routes in Tennessee. The Dragon 129 and Cherohala Skyway. If you travel either of these routes do so with extreme caution. Yet for that matter be careful on all of the road ways in Tennessee.

     We feel that a portion of the motorcycle wrecks, accidents, and deaths that are occurring in Tennessee is on the rise do to the lack of awareness to be aware of motorcycles. As we have stated before out of sight out of mind. This is a battle that we must fight together. 

     As you can see from the chart bellow which is issued by the State of Tennessee the amount of deaths is above the total from last year and it is only July. The motorcycle awareness campaign is a charter funded campaign to bring awareness that is directed toward motorcycles.

     There are some of you who may be following this web page who are not motorcycle riders. Yet ask yourself this question, do you have a family member, a family friend, a co-worker, a member of your church that you know who rides ? If the answer is yes then the Motorcycle Awareness Campaign relates to you!


     A fact that you don't want to hear is that when a motorcycle accident occurs, there has to be first responders that are deployed to the scene. This means the there are community resources tied up for a time dependent on how bad the scene is. How this affects you is that the first responders  that are working the scene of the accident are now at the point of disposed of or in service. With that being said what happens if you need them at the same time, are you going to accept " first come first serve?" 

     There is no need for the increase in the amount of motorcycle deaths with the quantity they are occurring in 2016, we must unite together and attempt to bring awareness back into the minds of all drivers in Tennessee. This is just something to think about. 

Wrote 7/24/16 Smokey MT  CMT-ABATE 

July Motorcycle Deaths 

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